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You Are Here: HomeHome Theater � Here comes a TV without a Remote

DO you like watching TV? Which TV channels do you like most to watch? As we all surely know, TV is a classic tool that still growing and even without realize it we have already entered the era where all electronic things can be controlled from the remote. Using the TV remote? Mmm…it seems already outdated.

Now, a new era TV has born. It is Canesta TV that can be controlled remotely with a hand movement. This is just like using your TV remote, but the remote is in your own hands. Wow, this technology is currently being booming! Now, with the tendency of people lazy to move, this technology possibly becomes an alternative sport. In fact, people can do a small jogging with this unique TV technology. Truly, this is an interesting breakthrough!

You can easily replace hundreds of channels with the movement of the hand and select it. The heart of this device is a low-cost 3-D chip that uses a single CMOS sensor to output a continuous stream of depth maps that can be interpreted by as specific gestures, obstacles, faces, or individuals, depending upon the application. However, the big question is: what if two people like to watch two different channels? Maybe the factory needs to invent a new technology for this. Unfortunately the price this TV is not yet officially issued.
Tags: Home Theater


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