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You Are Here: HomeGaming � Know-How about Free PSP Downloads

PSP is a machine which is a great source of entertainment for you and your family. This is a machine where you can not only play games but also play your favorite music, movies, browse the internet and store vital digital data. It is not necessary that you always buy the music, games and movies you wish to run on the PSP. There are plenty options available on the internet where you can avail of your free PSP downloads.

The PSPs are usually handheld devices where you can transfer the movies, music, software, games, e-books, images and TV shows that you download from the Wi-Fi hot spots of the internet. This is where you can avail of your free PSP downloads for use on the PSP. The main reason these downloads are called free is because there is no use for you to buy a physical disc to download the programs. They just have to be downloaded to a computer, and then transferred from the computer to the PSP.

PSPs usually come with a memory of about 1.8 GB of data to store the games, music, movies, software and other programs from the internet. It should be remembered that all PSPs worldwide are compatible with each other. This means that files from one PSP can easily be transferred to another PSP.

The first thing you have to do to get free PSP downloads is to surf the internet for the respective sites. There are many sites on the internet that offer free PSP downloads to PSP owners. These sites are generally free where you just have to register wherein you can download all the games, music, movies, etc for use on your PSP. These sites have two types of offers; some sites charge a monthly membership fees while others have a once off membership fees wherein there are no limitations on the number of free PSP downloads you make. In fact, you are also permitted to burn these downloads on a disc.

It is necessary to get a memory stick if you plan to download free PSP downloads to your PSP. This is because these downloads take a lot of space, which the original 32 MB stick of the PSP proves to be insufficient in handling as most movies and games need more than 32 MB memory space. When downloading games, make sure that you are downloading the full games and not shareware.

To download the free PSP downloads; you have to first download the PSP files to your computer and only then is it possible to transfer them to the PSP. If the downloads that you download to the computer are in a ZIP file, then you have to use a free program like WinZip to unzip the file. To transfer the downloads to the computer, the PSP has to be connected to the computer using the free USB cable that comes with the PSP. Ensure that the PSP is in the USB mode to transfer the files. The downloads then have to be copied to their respective folders for them to work efficiently.


Tags: Gaming


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